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Tell us: What are your favorite books by female authors?

Help us create a guide to the best literature and non-fiction written by women.

Toni Morrison poses with her 1977 novel "Song of Solomon" on Sept. 21, 2012.

For as long as there have been books, there have been women writers telling their stories. One of the first novels in recorded history, written in 11th century Japan, was written by a woman, Murasaki Shikibu. In the thousand years since, women have crafted a long lineage of storytelling, from Agatha Christie to Ann Patchett, Jane Austen to Joan Didion, Toni Morrison to Taylor Jenkins Reid, and everyone in between. 

This Women’s History Month, we want to know: What is your favorite book (poetry, fiction, or nonfiction) by a woman writer?

The question is simple enough, but the options are endless, and some titles may not be so obvious. There is a long history of female writers publishing under male pseudonyms to circumvent the sexism of the publishing industry and be taken seriously by readers.


George Eliot, author of “Middlemarch,” was actually the pen name for 19th century novelist Mary Ann Evans. Before the Brontë Sisters became well-known for works like “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights,” they published their first ever book under the names Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell.

And, as recently as the 1990s, when prolific romance author Nora Roberts decided to try her hand at writing crime thrillers, she chose the name J.D. Robb for her “In Death” series to fit the more male-dominated genre.

Despite facing historical barriers, women now dominate the publishing world, making up half or more of published authors, bestsellers lists, and readership. Whether you’re a fan of poetry, romance, sci-fi, literary fiction, or biographies, there’s likely a book by a woman author that you love. 

Tell us your favorites and why you’d recommend them to other readers by filling out the form below or e-mailing us at [email protected] and we may feature your response in an upcoming reader-recommended book guide

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