First Lady Burgum Speaks at UND About Stigma and Shame of Addiction

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GRAND FORKS, N.D. (KVRR/UND) — North Dakota First Lady Kathryn Burgum continues to work to eliminate the stigma and shame of addiction.

She was the featured speaker at the 10th annual Women for Philanthropy Luncheon at UND.

North Dakota started a statewide stigma survey in 2018 to evaluate the baseline attitudes people have toward addiction and recovery.

A 2021 survey found the state has experienced an 11% reduction in stigmatized attitudes.

Burgum, who has been in long-term recovery for over 20 years, talks about her experiences to encourage others with addiction issues to seek treatment.

“Is it a moral failing, is it a choice or is it a disease? You know I say to people, you know, ah, this is so hard because it’s like why would anyone choose to freeze to death on the street? Why would they choose to do that over their kids and their lives? Nobody would choose that, that’s why it’s not a choice it’s a disease, it’s a brain disease,” said Burgum.

Burgum and her husband, Gov. Doug Burgum, will end their two terms in office in December.


Categories: Local News, North Dakota News