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Several weeks ago it dawned on me that this column would appear  on Thanksgiving, everyone’s favorite, the quintessential American holiday. Herb Caen, the old San Francisco Chronicle columnist, made fun of it and professed to hate turkey, but  otherwise what to say — some nostalgia about touch football, autumn leaves and the smell of turkey wafting through the air? Maybe weigh in on controversial subjects like wet or dry brine, sourdough or cornbread dressing, Pinot Noir or Chardonnay, that sort of thing. I lacked inspiration.

Then, I started reading the day’s E-R, which got me in touch with a tragic reality I’d prefer to overlook, especially on Thanksgiving, but can’t. Hate crimes were occurring right here in idyllic Chico. “Local Synagogue is vandalized” was the first thing I saw. Also, a Native American mural had been defaced with swastikas. Nationally, the FBI warned of threats to synagogues in New Jersey.  At about the same time, a famous entertainer and an NBA star were working on lame apologies for stupid offensive statements they had made after they realized the backlash would hurt them financially.

Next there was news of a politically motivated hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, age 82, which a letter writer in that day’s paper chose to use for a satirical discussion of “hammer control.” Reaction to the Pelosi political hate crime was discussed brilliantly in my opinion in Leonard Pitts’ column of that day — “What did they do with their humanity?”– which appeared on the same page of the paper.

The above overshadows another reality which we’re numb to. There are homeless people living in absolute squalor in our streets. Now, as I write, there’s been a mass shooting in Colorado apparently motivated by hatred, insecurity or stupidity relating to sexual orientations.

I plan to enjoy this great holiday with my family and friends and I sincerely hope everyone else does, but the bigotry, intolerance, and inequality that surround us all warrant consideration.

The Pilgrims were Calvinist dissenters fleeing religious persecution. You can argue whether antisemitism is religious, cultural or a combo, but it’s as deeply wrong as it is persistent. Our Constitution guarantees religious freedom and freedom from the establishment of religion. Also, there’s just the common decency and humanity that Pitts spoke of in his column.

Then there’s the la la land portrayal of bonding between the Native Americans and Pilgrims. This sugarcoated version of the first Thanksgiving ignores what occurred for the next 200 years and counting. Indigenous Americans have a genuine beef which it doesn’t hurt us to acknowledge.

Lastly, although there’s much other bigotry around to consider, this is just what jumped out at me, violence based on someone’s politics or sexual proclivities is just plain insane.

I’m not given to preachiness, and I’m sure investigation would reveal me as a hypocrite so I’ll stop. On the plus side the perpetrators of the crimes I mentioned are in custody, although these aren’t isolated incidents. Also, we had an election which went pretty smoothly and had something for everyone.

Maybe this year at the table when cousin lefty or righty whom you only see twice a year makes an alcohol-fueled controversial statement, just let it go. Cook, play with the kids, watch sports, go to sleep by the TV. Be happy and thankful, but acknowledge we’ve got a ways to go toward a more just, peaceful, and equitable society. “Teach your children well.”

Happy Turkey Day.