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Biden, Blinken, Panetta, Padilla, Butler, our leaders: Do they not see how laughably absurd, tragic and pointless American policy toward Israel is? Now we will give more help to Israel beyond the millions of dollars per day we already give them — $20 billion to enable the Israelis to keep on killing Palestinians, and $6 billion to give humanitarian aid to the current Palestinian survivors so they can live to enjoy another day as victims of the continued killing by the Israelis.

Does anyone honestly think that this American policy can in any way please both Israelis and Palestinians? Most people outside of government see the awesome stupidity and ultimate inhumanity of this policy. What is it that drowns people in a blinding stupor when they join the governing class? Please, everyone, stop whatever you are doing in this moment and meditate on this phenomenon.

— William K. Rentz, Santa Cruz

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