The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

And now, here’s your host — Barack Obama

The former president visited the White House on Tuesday to celebrate the ACA, but the event at times felt more like a roast — a lighter moment for an administration battling the gloom of war, inflation and pandemic

April 5, 2022 at 7:19 p.m. EDT
President Biden and former president Barack Obama greet visitors following their remarks on the Affordable Care Act at the White House on April 5. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)
7 min

It was ostensibly an event to celebrate the Affordable Care Act, signed into law 12 years and 13 days ago. But former president Barack Obama’s visit to the White House on Tuesday felt more like a stump speech, pep talk and a roast mixed into one.

Obama took no time establishing himself as the main event. “Thank you, Vice President Biden,” he said as he took the podium in the presence of President Biden.