The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

A weary Zelensky challenges U.N. to act with graphic video

With desperate pleas, Ukrainian leader begs the world to do more to stop Russian invasion

Updated April 5, 2022 at 11:55 p.m. EDT|Published April 5, 2022 at 6:49 p.m. EDT
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the U.N. Security Council on April 5 to strip Russia of its veto power. (Video: Reuters)
9 min

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of war crimes Tuesday in a remote appearance before the U.N. Security Council that included gruesome video of dead bodies, challenging diplomats to take bold action or risk exposing the world body as a hollow institution.

“Are you ready to close the U.N.?” asked a tired-looking Zelensky, looming over the council chamber on a massive video screen. “Do you think that the time of international law is gone? If your answer is no, then you need to act immediately.”