The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Could prosecutors convince a jury that Trump knew he lost in 2020?

Analysis by
National columnist
April 5, 2022 at 12:56 p.m. EDT
President Donald Trump, seen in Washington in January 2021. (Gerald Herbert/AP)
7 min

It seems to happen when he’s focused on something else.

So, as former president Donald Trump was trying to persuade a group of historians to view his presidency as an unqualified success, he let it slip out: He had lost the 2020 election.

“By [my] not winning the election, he was the happiest man,” Trump said of South Korean President Moon Jae-in. See, Trump was explaining, he was going to make South Korea pay a ton of money for the United States to maintain its bases in his country. But there it was: Trump saying he didn’t win the election. A few sentences later, he was more explicit. “We had a deal. He was going to pay $5 billion — $5 billion a year. But when I didn’t win the election, he had to be the happiest.”